Screenshot vom 4. April 2021 mit Slider-Bild “Interiør – komposisjon i rødt, gult, blått og grønt”, Video von Tone Myskja, 2011.
In 2012, the organization PNEK (Production Network for Electronic Art) on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Culture launched the pilot project Norsk Videokunstarkivet for archiving Norwegian media art. In 2015, the project was completed on a temporarily basis. In order to continue, PNEK had presented an operating model under the auspices of a foundation and submitted a funding application to the Norsk kulturråd (Norwegian Cultural Council). The Cultural Council decided otherwise and transferred the task to Nasjonalmuseet (National Museum).
Last week, the museum’s library and archives department announced the new portal is now up and running. The basic asset management program is the same as the one developed by PNEK Open Source. The museum’s communication to all artists and stakeholders states, “Nasjonalmuseet wishes to continue the good work and continue to operate, maintain and enrich this archive as the good resource that it is – not least for artists, but also for researchers and curators with an interest in video art in Norway.” Although the future path is not clear, the Video Art Archive will remain an important reference archive, as it has been for the past ten years, it says.[1]
The Video Art Archive is not a physical collection. Rather, it is a digital encyclopedia where artists can add, edit, and download data and files themselves. It now includes around 3,000 works that have been digitized over the past ten years. A wide range of search, reference and context functions enable complex research. Probably no other country has its own video art history so well indexed. Most works can even be viewed in lower resolution in the Archive Tool. Further versions can be requested via links and contact can be made with the artists. Access is free of charge, but requires registration with justification.
URL: Videokunstarkivet https://www.videokunstarkivet.org/ / Video Art Archive https://www.videokunstarkivet.org/english/
contact: Håvard Oppøyen (Seniorrådgiver, Seksjon Bibliotek og arkiv), Nasjonalmuseet, P.B. 7014, St. Olavs plass, N-0130 Oslo. https://www.nasjonalmuseet.no/besok/bibliotek/
Pilot project manager was Per Platou; Resource group: Marit Paasche, Ivar Smedstad, Anne Marthe Dyvi; Tech partners and collaborators: Norgesfilm AS (Kristiansand) and LIMA/Toxus (Amsterdam)
Pictures: Screenshot 4 April 2021, Slider “Interiør – komposisjon i rødt, gult, blått og grønt”, Video by Tone Myskja, 2011.
[1] »Nasjonalmuseet ønsker å fortsette det gode arbeidet med å drifte, vedlikeholde og berike dette arkivet som den gode ressursen den er – ikke minst for kunstnere, men også for forskere og kuratorer med interesse for videokunst i Norge som gis en kontrollert tilgang til denne arkivressursen. Veien videre er ikke klar, men Videokunstarkivet skal fortsette å være et viktig referansearkiv, som det har vært gjennom de ti foregående årene.« (via E-Mail, 31 March 2021)