

Boundlessly cinematic – the interdisciplinary practice of Guillaume Cailleau

Bis 2024 hätte Guillaume Cailleau noch als Kurzfilm-Regisseur durchgehen können. Im Februar hat er bei der Berlinale jedoch einen Film veröffentlicht, der länger ist, als alle seine restlichen Arbeiten zusammen: In DIRECT ACTION sind tatsächlich selbst die einzelnen Einstellungen zumeist länger, als Cailleaus bisherige Filme. Dauer scheint für ihn also wohl Verhandlungssache zu sein, wie es sich für einen Experimentalfilmer gehört. Read More


“We rely heavily on trust and commitment”

Ein Porträt des Animationsproduzenten Fabian Driehorst
FABIAN& FRED – da sind sie schon wieder! Das ist das Erlebnis, das Festivalgänger*innen in den letzten Jahren womöglich oft hatten. Mehr als Grund genug also, sich mit Fabian Driehorst zusammenzusetzen und über das Studio und seine Projekte zu sprechen – und natürlich auch über ihn selbst. Read More


VALIE EXPORT: The Body is the Medium

Radical aspirations in the arts of the 1960s swayed one of two ways–a quest for a puritanical medium specificity leading to the path of minimalism where representational reality is replaced by material or structural reality of the medium, or, expanded and conceptual practices that replaced the autonomous realities of traditional media with new expanded realities operating with a double negation–of social reality by art and of art by social reality.
VALIE EXPORT’s Body Art, encompassing film, video, photography, installation, and performance is the focus of a major retrospective at C/O Berlin from Jan 27 to May 21, 2024. Read More


Metamorphic and Corpo-sensitive, the filmic oeuvre of Maria Lassnig

Für viele bildende Künstlerinnen und Künstler, die sich mit dem Medium Film beschäftigt haben, ist die kritische Würdigung ihres filmischen Schaffens im Vergleich zu den stärker beachteten Erfolgen in den anderen Kunstsparten, zumeist der Malerei, zweitrangig oder bestenfalls korrelativ. Wir denken hier natürlich an die unscheinbare Kategorie der Künstlerfilme, die unbehaglich mit gekreuzten Beinen gegenüber ihrem Cousin, dem Experimentalfilm, sitzt und einen spärlichen und ungeschickten sozialen Austausch pflegt.  Read More

Talks and Topics

Interview with Marie Zrenner

Marie Zrenner won won the German Short Film Award in the category of feature films with a running time of more than 10 minutes and up to 30 minutes with ALEX IN DEN FELDERN (Alex in the Fields) in 2023. In the latest episode of Talks’n’Topics, she talks to Luc-Carolin Ziemann about her enjoyment of fiction in documentaries and the importance of trust in documentary film. Read More


A festival as a genuflexion – the 20th anniversary edition of Animateka

A filmmakers Q&A – not right after the film but on the following day, and on top of that in a different venue, isn’t that a terrible idea? Won’t the auditorium be empty? The answer is a definite no: Because many people come to the Q&As that festival director Igor Prassel organises every single day of the 20th anniversary edition of Animateka (27.11.-3.12.) together with Chris Robinson – whose main job is the direction of the Ottawa International Animation Festival, yet he also serves as an advisor to the Slovenian animation institution. Read More

Talks and Topics

Interview with FILZ Film Initiative Leipzig

FILZ was founded in 2012 as a self-organised and autonomous film seminar within the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts (HGB). The Film Initiative Leipzig FILZ is an association of authors, filmmakers and artists. All participants share a strong interest in artistic, documentary work, with a focus on the moving image.
Luc-Carolin Ziemann talks to Clara Wieck, Juliane Jaschnow, Jonas Matauschek and Nick Teplov – four of FILZ’s current fourteen active members – about the collective, current joint projects and networks, and the importance of ongoing dialogue. Read More


“Limited Possibilities Create Freedom” –
The Animation Filmmaker Sonja Rohleder

Columbus gazes happily from the wings of the dove that carries him over and through the world. Visualised by a papercut, a profile that seems to consist only of a nose and a single eye, he appears as an anti-version of the explorer – mischievous, down-to-earth, completely without ambitions of wanting to claim ownership. It’s an unusual protagonist Sonja Rohleder has animated here in co-direction with Veronika Samartseva for Keimzeit’s song Kolumbus, and yet, it’s prototypical of Rohleder’s animation style and production process. Read More


The X Factor, Birgit Hein – writing, filmmaking, and curating in the 1970s

Birgit Hein was among the most important figures of avant-garde film culture in Germany and Europe. Along with her ex-husband and collaborator Wilhelm Hein, she led film into radical and uncharted territories, concerning herself unreservedly with the development, criticism and dissemination of avant-garde film.
She passed away in February 2023 at the age of 80, leaving behind a trail of pioneering accomplishments, singular in their scope and significance. Read More