
In our new Spotlight section, we will from now on report at loose intervals on current developments, festivals and the short film scene in countries that are always somewhat outside of Western perception, but which are worth taking a closer look at for that very reason.


A festival as a genuflexion – the 20th anniversary edition of Animateka

A filmmakers Q&A – not right after the film but on the following day, and on top of that in a different venue, isn’t that a terrible idea? Won’t the auditorium be empty? The answer is a definite no: Because many people come to the Q&As that festival director Igor Prassel organises every single day of the 20th anniversary edition of Animateka (27.11.-3.12.) together with Chris Robinson – whose main job is the direction of the Ottawa International Animation Festival, yet he also serves as an advisor to the Slovenian animation institution. Read More