
The German short film scene encompasses a large number of innovative filmmakers who have deliberately chosen to go the independent route or who, in addition to feature film projects, continue to shoot short films as well. In the “Portrait” section, shortfilm.de will feature reguarly a cameo of one of these filmmakers.


Boundlessly cinematic – the interdisciplinary practice of Guillaume Cailleau

Bis 2024 hätte Guillaume Cailleau noch als Kurzfilm-Regisseur durchgehen können. Im Februar hat er bei der Berlinale jedoch einen Film veröffentlicht, der länger ist, als alle seine restlichen Arbeiten zusammen: In DIRECT ACTION sind tatsächlich selbst die einzelnen Einstellungen zumeist länger, als Cailleaus bisherige Filme. Dauer scheint für ihn also wohl Verhandlungssache zu sein, wie es sich für einen Experimentalfilmer gehört. Read More


“We rely heavily on trust and commitment”

Ein Porträt des Animationsproduzenten Fabian Driehorst
FABIAN& FRED – da sind sie schon wieder! Das ist das Erlebnis, das Festivalgänger*innen in den letzten Jahren womöglich oft hatten. Mehr als Grund genug also, sich mit Fabian Driehorst zusammenzusetzen und über das Studio und seine Projekte zu sprechen – und natürlich auch über ihn selbst. Read More


Metamorphic and Corpo-sensitive, the filmic oeuvre of Maria Lassnig

Für viele bildende Künstlerinnen und Künstler, die sich mit dem Medium Film beschäftigt haben, ist die kritische Würdigung ihres filmischen Schaffens im Vergleich zu den stärker beachteten Erfolgen in den anderen Kunstsparten, zumeist der Malerei, zweitrangig oder bestenfalls korrelativ. Wir denken hier natürlich an die unscheinbare Kategorie der Künstlerfilme, die unbehaglich mit gekreuzten Beinen gegenüber ihrem Cousin, dem Experimentalfilm, sitzt und einen spärlichen und ungeschickten sozialen Austausch pflegt.  Read More


“Limited Possibilities Create Freedom” –
The Animation Filmmaker Sonja Rohleder

Columbus gazes happily from the wings of the dove that carries him over and through the world. Visualised by a papercut, a profile that seems to consist only of a nose and a single eye, he appears as an anti-version of the explorer – mischievous, down-to-earth, completely without ambitions of wanting to claim ownership. It’s an unusual protagonist Sonja Rohleder has animated here in co-direction with Veronika Samartseva for Keimzeit’s song Kolumbus, and yet, it’s prototypical of Rohleder’s animation style and production process. Read More


The X Factor, Birgit Hein – writing, filmmaking, and curating in the 1970s

Birgit Hein was among the most important figures of avant-garde film culture in Germany and Europe. Along with her ex-husband and collaborator Wilhelm Hein, she led film into radical and uncharted territories, concerning herself unreservedly with the development, criticism and dissemination of avant-garde film.
She passed away in February 2023 at the age of 80, leaving behind a trail of pioneering accomplishments, singular in their scope and significance. Read More


Volker Schlecht: Seeking the Right Image

An image that fits to a T – what is that exactly? And what precedes it – perhaps another image, one before the inner eye, or merely just a vague thematic hunch? These are questions that arise quickly when you explore and engage yourself with Volker Schlecht, who pivots back and forth between the moving and the non-moving image. Read More


Nikita Diakur
An Avatar to Combat Fakes

The avatar trembles, barely able to stay up on its legs, then it falls over, its arms flailing. “Attempting a backflip is not safe. You can break your neck, or land on your head, or land badly on your wrists. None of that is nice, so my avatar does the trick,” an emotionless voice explains. The voice is that of animation director Nikita Diakur, distorted using voice cloning software. Yet its dry humour does manage to penetrate even through the manipulative software coils. Read More


Nervous landscapes.
On the films of Ojoboca.

Ojoboca (Anja Dornieden und Juan David González Monroy) machen zugleich mehr und weniger als „Kurzfilme“. Mehr, weil sie neben Filmen auch Performances und Installationen entwickeln, derzeit an ihrem zweiter Langfilm arbeiten und Texte von einer eigenwilligen Literarizität fast alle ihre Bewegtbildarbeiten begleiten. Read More


Jonatan Schwenk
The Story First, Then the Animation

Enraptured, the two-legged creature picks the blissfully smiling axolotl up from the earth and pops it in its mouth. Sheer joy. Doing so, its hands – filigree stick-puppet hands – initially reach out tentatively then greedily for the tasty stop-motion being. In Jonatan Schwenk’s ZOON, over and again we encounter so many nuances and animation techniques, all at the same time. Read More


Chemnitz Filmworkshop

Little effort is required when gleaning facts from the available databases. We soon discover here that the non-profit Chemnitz Filmworkshop is a media-education institute that “promotes young filmic talent”. Its headquarters and official address is the Clubkino Siegmar cinema, which was entrusted to the association in 1996. But what exactly lies behind these sobering facts and figures, behind these ideas, which is far greater than them and has already been lived out for decades by the out-and-out filmmakers from Chemnitz? Read More


Adrian Figueroa

For his short film with the striking German title of PROLL!, the filmmaker Adrian Figueroa received the German Short Film Award in November 2021: Consisting of a golden metal band set on a base and swirling upwards spiral-like, as tall perhaps as a bottle of champagne. Congratulations!
Adrian Figueroa comes from theatre. Having grown up in Frankfurt am Main, he took drama studies and applied theatre in England, gaining an education that was as theoretical as it was practical. Read More


Anne Isensee

Anne Isensee likes getting right to the point. And that in both her works and conversation. With her at times very short films, the animator artist who lives in Berlin has enjoyed success at numerous festivals for years now. In 2017, she achieved an impressive debut with her mere 101-second-long film “Mega Trick” (2017), which garnered the Golden Dove for the Best German Short Film at the DOK Leipzig International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film. Read More


The gaping wound – Jovana Reisinger’s humoristic exposures of current role inscriptions

“Everyone can see that your body is high-class. You have to make something out of it. Why are you so sad? You haven’t been sitting in front of the TV of life, you have been active. What a guy!” – an off-screen male voice accompanies Max the model as he rambles around looking for a hotel in a city where a male-model killer is up to mischief. The video piece “pretty boyz don’t die” (2016) forms the beginning to the “pretty pretty mad sad” (2016-18) four-part short film series and is the first filmic work by the writer and filmmaker Jovana Reisinger. Read More


Nicolaas Schmidt and His Microscopic Cinema

Nicolaas Schmidt used to be a musician, he founded a virtual support group on sunsets, and has held exhibitions of colours, objects and photos. He usually works alone, having started with photography and filmmaking at almost the same time, before soon moving on to installative pieces in real and virtual spaces. In his work, people are confronted by spaces, objects and non-human animals that are almost their equals, for Schmidt is an explorer of balance. Schmidt’s films intervene in an “ordered” – i.e. hierarchical – perception of reality, and it is only the isolation of the cinema auditorium that lets us succumb to their open, flowing and circulating structures. Read More


Steps within Crises
Notes on the Filmic Encounters of Clara Winter and Miiel Ferráez

Bereits fünf Filme entstanden aus der mittlerweile mehrjährigen Zusammenarbeit von Clara Winter und Miguel Ferráez, tatsächlich ist das dynamische Duo in allen selbst vor der Kamera aktiv und versucht, sich an zunehmend ausgestellten Positionierungen, Halbfiktionen und Zeichenspielen. Bei ihrer Begegnung trafen filmische Stile aufeinander, die verschiedener kaum sein konnten – das Resultat waren neue Fragen und Methoden. Die Filme der beiden protokollieren neben ihren expliziten Fragestellungen zu sozialem Status und Nationalität allem voran eine künstlerische Evolution und die Entwicklung eines transkulturellen Stils. Ihre Experimente wirken sowohl im Verhältnis zum deutschen, als auch mexikanischen Kino erfreulich deplatziert. Read More


Everyday Marvels: Film Portrait of Gunter Deller

Marvelling at the everyday, such as chance refractions of light, passing shadows, or a carelessly dropped handkerchief being blown by the wind almost gracefully across the ground – in the face of our fast-moving world, these brief observations of random phenomena seem to have ever-decreasing significance. With hardly any place left in our everyday lives for pausing and perceiving all that plays out quietly in our immediate surroundings. This is not so with Gunter Deller, who has made the marvelling at everyday phenomena his filmic practice. Read More


In Danger and Deep Distress, the Middleway Spells Certain Death
The film collective Spengemann / Eichberg / Goldkamp / Hans

Spengemann, Eichberg, Goldkamp, Hans – four names arranged in a circle appear at the end of the credits of several short films that were made in the context of the HFBK Hamburg (University of Fine Arts Hamburg) since 2014. The four filmmakers flippantly describe the logo, composed of their surnames, as a “sticker”: a sticker can be attached to a film, but should not infringe upon it in any way. Read More