In 1994, Jane Birkin contributed a short film to the AIDS prevention series “3000 scénarios contre un virus”. The two-minute 35mm film “Je t’aime moi non plus”, featuring her daughter-in-law Lola Doillon and Mathieu Demy to the tune of the song that made her famous, promotes the use of condoms.
“3000 Scenarios Against a Virus” was a student project organised by Le Crips Île-de-France, a non-profit association for health education. From more than 4,000 scripts submitted by high school students, 31 directors, with well-known actors who waived their fees, made as many short films, which were screened as supporting films and as a full-length programme.
“Le Crips Île-de-France | Prévention – Santé – Sida has been working for 30 years with young people, vulnerable groups and people at risk of HIV.
URL of the film by Jane Birkin on Dailymotion
URL of the series on YouTube