“Bird in the Peninsula” von Atsushi Wada (J 2022) @Wada/Miyu Distribution
The latest issue of the magazine Kurzschluss on ARTE is dedicated to the topic “Distribution Shorts”. In an interview Wouter Jansen talks about experiences and strategies of his distribution company Square Eyes. Wouter Jansen from Nijmegen (NL) was program director of the Go Short Festival and has been distributing short films since 2013.
Also worth seeing is the portrait of the founder of Miyu Distribution, probably the most successful distributor of animated films. Luce Grosjean (Arles, F). The interview was shot at the 2022 Berlinale, where four films Miyu represents were in competition.
The magazine also features one successful example of each of the featured distributors: “Lemongrass Girl” by Thai director Pom Bunsermvicha and “Bird in the Peninsula” by Atsushi Wada.
The Nov. 27 broadcast is available online until Feb. 23, 2023.
URL: https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/105992-011-A/kurzschluss-das-magazin/