Turner Prize 2018 for mobile phone short films


BRIDGIT © Charlotte Prodger/Koppe Astner

On 4 December Charlotte Prodger received the £25,000 Turner Prize 2018 for the exhibition of her two short films BRIDGIT and STONEYMOLLAN TRAIL in Bergen Kunsthall (Norway).

BRIDGIT is a mobile phone film about experiences of queer coming out in rural Scotland. STONEYMOLLAN TRAIL uses various popular video techniques to create identity. The chairman of the jury, Alex Farquharson (Tate Britain director), said about Prodgers work they were a breakthrough because they made something profound with a technique familiar to everyone.

The shortlist usually consisted mainly of artists who had already participated in renowned exhibitions: Naeem Mohaiemen with films about left-wing politics after the Second World War, Luke Willis Thompson with three 35mm short films about people exposed to racist violence, and the interdisciplinary collective Forensic Architecture with the short film THE LONG DURATION OF A SPLIT SECOND. This is the first time that only artists working with video have been nominated.

The Turner Prize is the most important award for modern art by young British artists.


URL: Charlotte Prodger, Turner Prize, Tate Britain

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