Cineuropa cooperates with Talking Shorts for short film coverage

Screenshot of the front page of “Talking Shorts” (25.05.2021).

In 2018, the online portal Cineuropa, by its own account the leading source of information on European audio-visual culture, abandoned its short film section without a sound[1]. Now, however, short film is to receive appropriate coverage again through a cooperation with Talking Shorts.


According to a press release from Cineuropa, selected Talking Shorts contributions will also be published by Cineuropa in the future. Whether the subdomain which has been fallow since 2018, will be reactivated for this purpose was not disclosed.


Talking Shorts is an initiative of Filmfest Dresden, Vienna Shorts, Short Waves Festival, NISI MASA and BE SHORT NOW! Talking Shorts publishes film reviews and interviews in text form and as podcasts for a professional audience. is a European online portal for cinema and audio-visual media promoting the European film industry. Cineuropa, based in Brussels, was founded in 2002 and is funded by the MEDIA program of the European Union and individual national film institutions, such as the CNC, Swiss Films and German Films, among others.


URL Cineuropa

URL Talking Shorts