Exhibition: José Val del Omar at the Reina Sofia Museum
The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte “Reina Sofia” in Madrid is devoting a show to the Spanish film pioneer José Val del Omar (1904-1982).
The multitalented Spanish filmmaker, entrepreneur and inventor Val del Omar can be called a multimedia pioneer who earned that appellation even before it existed. His inventions in the field of film technology include the two-channel soundtrack (Sonido Diafonico) as well as optical experiments and three-dimensional effects (Tactíl-Visión).
After starting out making documentary films – in the 1930s he shot some 40 films for the Republican cultural and educational initiative “Misiones Pedagogica” – he later made experimental films as well, which he himself called neither “documental” nor “experimental” but rather “elemental”, and in which he used some of his own inventions.
Best know is his “Tríptico Elemental de España” (1953-1961) – thee short films in which he looks at themes such as the encounter between Arabic and Celtic cultures, Christian notions meeting up with Islamic ideas, or the links between the elements of fire, water and earth.
The exhibition “Val del Omar overflow” is on view until 28 February 2011.
URL: http://www.museoreinasofia.es/exposiciones/actuales/val-del-omar_en.html
Exhibition: Walid Raad at Whitechapel Gallery || 11/11/2010
London’s Whitechapel Gallery is presenting the first major exhibition in the United Kingdom of the work of Lebanese artist and filmmaker Walid Raad. Now based in the USA, Walid Raad is one of the most important artists from the Middle East. His works are closely tied up with the Civil War in Lebanon.
Best known are the videos he made as part of the Atlas Group, in which conventional distinctions between fact and fiction, public and private in the depiction of historic events are challenged.
Featured in the exhibition “Miraculous Beginnings”, on view until 2 January 2011, are mainly photographs as well as videos.
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen brings out new 2010 distribution catalogue || 11/11/2010
The 2010 distribution catalogue recently published by the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen includes 50 new titles, among them award-winners and outstanding works from the programmes at this year’s festival, as well as selected gems from the festival’s short film archive.
To be found in the catalogue are acclaimed works such as Magnus Bärtí¥’s “Madame & Little Boy”, winner of the Grand Prize of the City of Oberhausen in 2010, artists’ films like Jaan Toomik’s “Oleg”, and also some new discoveries including the young Finnish director Hannaleena Hauru with her fiction film “Catching”. Also available for distribution is the music video programme with the candidates for the MuVi Award.
From the Oberhausen archive, a programme of works by the Sarajevo Documentary School in former Yugoslavia is on offer, along with three works by film director, actor and video artist Herbert Fritsch.
All titles in the distribution catalogue are available either individually or as part of a programme (on DVD, BetaSP and in some cases 35mm film). They can be used for non-commercial purpose.
The catalogue is available as a printed brochure or can be downloaded in PDF format from the festival website.
URL (dt): http://www.kurzfilmtage.de/de/verleih/programm.html
URL (engl): http://www.kurzfilmtage.de/en/distribution/programme.html
Tour programme: Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film on tour || 11/11/2010
The latest tour by the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film will be coming to cinemas and various international festivals starting in October. Included are the “Best of International Competition”, a selection of the best animated short films from all over the world culled from the 2010 festival, and “Best of Animation Baden-Württemberg” with films from the festival’s home state. The programme features films such as “A Family Portrait” by Joseph Pierce, which won the Grand Prix at this year’s festival, and “Love & Theft” by Andreas Hykade.
The programmes will be shown starting 26 October 2010 in Krakow, Atlanta, Tel Aviv, Seoul, Sofia and other cities. Then the tour will continue on to Queensland, Singapore and St. Petersburg.
URL: http://www.itfs.de/
DVD spotting || 11/11/2010
_ New at RE:VOIR Video
“Jordan Belson – 5 Essential Films”
Allures (1961), Samadhi (1967), Light (1973), Fountain of Dreams (1984), Epilogue (2005)
Region 0, NTSC, 1 DVD, €27
Further information: http://revoirvideo.blogspot.com/2010/08/dvd-jordan-belson-5-essential-films.html
_“Light Cone Cooperative – Cinexpérimentaux #8”
A portrait of the Light Cone filmmakers’ coop 2002-2008 by Frédérique Devaux & Michel Amarger.
Bonus: Arabesque (Germaine Dulac 1929), Eyewash (Robert Breer 1959), Hand Grenade (Gill Eatherley 1971), ACIDFILMDA (Metamkine 1992)
Region 0, 1 DVD, PAL, €25
Further information: http://revoirvideo.blogspot.com/2010/09/dvd-light-cone-coop-cinexperimentaux-8.html
_Cameo: “José Val del Omar – Elemental de España”
DVD 1: “Estampas” (1932), “Vibración de Granada” (1935), “Película Familiar” (1935-1938), “Aguaespejo granadino” (1953-1955) + Galería de fotos de las Misiones Pedagógicas.
DVD 2: “Fuego en Castilla” (1958-1960), “Fiestas Cristianas / Fiestas Profanas” (1934-35) + Fotografías de rodaje de “Fuego en Castilla”.
DVD 3: “Acariño galaico (De Barro)” (1961, 1981-82, 1995), “Tríptico Elemental de España” remasterizado Sonido diafónico + Galería de fotos del “Tríptico Elemental de España”.
DVD 4: Mario Sáenz de Buruaga: “Val del Omar Sur – Norte” (1974), Cristina Esteban: “Ojala Val del Omar” (1994), Antonella La Sala: “Vértice Vórtice” (2002), Javier Viver: “Laboratorio Val del Omar” (2009-2010), Velasco Broca: “Val del Omar fuera de sus Casillas” (2010) + Collages, fotomontajes PLAT, diakinas.
DVD 5: Eugeni Bonet: “Tira tu reloj al agua” (2003-04).
Region 0, 5 DVDs, PAL, spanish, Label: Cameo, €39,95
Further information: http://www.cameo.es/tabid/78/Id/1000/Default.aspx
_Animateprojects: “AntimateTV: 20 Years of Experimental Animation from the UK”
“Perpetual Motion in the Land of Milk and Honey”, AL and AL; “Purple Grey”, Sebastian Buerkner; “Furniture Poetry”, Paul Bush; “3 Ways to Go”, Sarah Cox; “13”, Simon Faithfull; “Tad’s Nest”, Petra Freeman; “Proximity”, Inger Lise Hansen; “The Life Size Zoetrope”, Mark Simon Hewis; “Feeling My Way”, Jonathan Hodgson; “The Black Dog’s Progress”, Stephen Irwin; “Kingdom Protista”, Andrew Kötting; “What She Wants”, Ruth Lingford; “Ferment”, Tim Macmillan; “Cowboys: Slim Pickin’s / That’s Nothin’ / Outrage”, Phil Mulloy; “Sunset Strip”, Kayla Parker; “Yours Truly”, Osbert Parker; “Go West Young Man”, Keith Piper; “Magnetic Movie”, Semiconductor, “Who I Am and What I Want”, David Shrigley and Chris Shepherd; “15th February”, Tim Webb; “Rabbit” Run Wrake.
Region 0, 1 DVD 9, PAL, Label: Animate Projects, £17
Further information: http://www.animateprojects.org/shop/dvds_cds/animatetv?offset=2
Discoveries in the vlogosphere – Short film online || 11/11/2010
_”Werner Herzog eats his shoe” von Les Blank (1979)
“Yes, German film director Werner Herzog really does eat his shoe to fulfill a vow to fellow filmmaker Errol Morris — boldly exemplifying his belief that people must have the guts to attempt what they dream of. Inspiring” (Les Blank).
See also: http://www.lesblank.com/more/shoe.html
_”Destino” von Salvador Dalí und Walt Disney (1945/2003)
“Destino” is a collaboration between Walt Disney and Salvador Dalí. Production began in 1945, but the film did not premier until 2003.
URL: http://www.blogdecine.com/cine-animacion/destino-el-corto-de-dali-para-disney-se-puede-ver-en-una-exposicion-en-figueres
_”Future Past Perfect” von Carsten Nicolai & Simon Mayer
A quiet night in Tokyo. A vending machine starts performing of its own.
Actor: Kyusaku Shimada, production: Acht Frankfurt.
URL: http://www.acht-frankfurt.de/#/en/vc/work/vcreel109/art/unitxt
Open Prize: Video paintings awarded
/ 08/30/10
The first awards for video paintings were presented in London in late July as the outcome of the Open Prize competition. The contest was held by the Open Gallery, which specializes in artistic video paintings. The jury included Ziba de Weck (Parasol Unit) and Marc Valli (Magma Books) as well as filmmaker Hilary Lawson, who is regarded as the founder of video painting.
Out of 300 submissions, ten works were nominated. The award, presented at a ceremony held in a former warehouse in the Shoreditch district, went to Jasmina Metwaly for “Crucifixion”. The ten nominated works were on view there alongside a series of exemplary works documenting the development of video painting as an art form.
Works can be entered in next year’s edition of the Open Prize competition starting 1 October.
URL: http://www.openprize.co.uk/
See also our topic article: http://www.shortfilm.de/en/short-film-magazine/archive/topic/video-paintings.html
NISI MASA invites guests to Turku, European Capital of Culture 2011
/ 08/30/10
The NISI MASA network for young European film has announced a competition for filmmakers who would like to take part in a documentary workshop in Finland. The project “Polyglot: on the way to Turku” will begin as an online competition. Young European filmmakers are invited to submit short films on the theme of multilingualism. After an online audience vote, a professional jury will decide which filmmakers will be invited to the workshop.
A similar project is currently running for the European Capital of Culture 2010, in which 45 participants from the cultural capitals Tallin, San Sebastií n and Turin are setting off by train for Istanbul (“Istanbul Express”).
The workshop this coming year will take place on a “Cine-Boat” that will traverse the archipelago between Turku and the í…land Islands in June 2011. Entry deadline for the competition is 15 December 2010.
Website: http://www.polyglot-turku.eu
OnCurating Issue 03: Curating Film
/ 08/30/10
The postgraduate programme in Curating at the Zurich University of the Arts regularly publishes research results on its website on-curating.org in the form of a web journal. The third issue looks at curating films. In seven interviews questions are asked about curatorial styles and concepts as well as the specific spatial conditions required for exhibiting films.
The questions were posed to curators who work with film and video formats and who attended the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen in 2009: Ian White, Katerina Gregos, Gridthiya Gaweewong & David Teh, Mark Webber, Sheryl Mousley, Alice Koegel and Alexander Horwath.
Except for the two conversations with German-speaking curators, the interviews were conducted and published in English. The 17-page web journal is available as PDF download.
“Gay Science” – Study shows that attractive content trumps technical picture quality in video clips
/ 08/30/10
A study conducted at Rice University in Houston, Texas, set out to determine what influence appealing content has on subjective judgement of the quality of video clips. In four tests, 100 participants were shown 180 film clips of varying technical standards, from 550 KB to DVD quality.
The results demonstrate that attractive content plays a greater role in a positive appraisal than does picture quality. Based on these findings, the researchers recommend that content aspects should also be taken into consideration when evaluating the quality of videos. As practical application, it was suggested that suppliers of digitally coded films might now find it easier to determine (still barely) acceptable quality levels (while saving whole gigabytes of bandwidth 😉
The study was published in the professional journal “Human Factors”.
DVD spotting
/ 08/30/10
_Flux Film Anthology
Dating from the sixties and compiled by George Maciunas, the Fluxfilm Anthology is a document consisting of 37 short films ranging from 10 seconds to 10 minutes in length. Elements of ephemeral environments, these films, some of which were meant to be screened as continuous loops, were shown as part of the events and happenings of the New York avant-garde.
37 films by Nam June Paik, Dick Higgins, George Maciunas, Chieko Shiomi, John Cavanaugh, James Riddle, Yoko Ono, George Brecht, Robert Watts, Pieter Vanderbiek, Joe Jones, Eric Anderson, Jeff Perkins, Wolf Vostell, Albert Fine, George Landow, Paul Sharits, John Cale, Peter Kennedy, Mike Parr, Ben Vautier.
120 minutes, 1962-1970; DVD9 PAL interzone + booklet, €28
Further information: www.re-voir.com
Eight experimental film and video art from Turkey that explores the intellectual conditioning of children and teenagers through both the educational system and contemporary Turkish society at large.
Artists: Hatice Güleryüz, Erkan Özgen, Sener Özmen. Ferhat Özgür. Burí§ak Kaygun, Güldem Durmaz, Berat Isiks und Ethem Özgüvens.
86 minutes, PAL/NTSC, region-free, engl/fr/dt subtitles, booklet, €25
Further information: www.lowave.com
_AnimateTV: 20 Years of Experimental Animation from the UK
A unique selection from over 100 commissions, which highlights the incredible range of experimental practice accomplished in the UK in the past 20 years.
Artists: Al and Al, Sebastian Buerkner, Paul Bush, Sarah Cox, Simon Faithfull, Petra Freeman, Inger Lise Hansen, Mark Simon Hewis, Jonathan Hodgson, Stephen Irwin, Andrew Kötting, Ruth Lingford, Tim Macmillan, Phil Mulloy, Kayla Parker, Keith Piper, Semiconductor, David Shrigley, Chris Shepherd, Tim Webb, Run Wrake.
113 minutes, PAL, zone-free, booklet, £17
Further information: http://www.animateprojects.org/shop/dvds_cds/animatetv
_Del í‰xtasis al Arrebato (From Ecstasy to Rupture)
Film compilation comprising 26 experimental short films made in Spain in the last fifty years.
The edition functions as a kind of catalogue for the touring exhibition Del éxtasis al arrebato. 50 años del otro cine español, a joint production by the Centre de Cultura Contemporí nia de Barcelona (CCCB, Contemporary Culture Centre of Barcelona) and the Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior (SEACEX, State Society for Spanish Cultural Action Abroad) and that will tour several countries during the next three years.
Artists: Equipo 57, Ton Sirera, Joaquim Puigvert, Jordi Artigas, Antoni Pinent, Manuel Huerga, Eugeni Bonet, Egènia Balcells, Lluís Rivera, Laida Lertxundi, Carl Durán, Antoni Miralda, Benet Rossell, Oriol Sánchez, José Val del Omar u.a.
225 minutes, 2 DVD9, zone-free, engl subtitles, booklet, €29,95
Further information: http://www.cameo.es/tabid/78/Id/807/Default.aspx
_Radical Closure
Video Data Bank (Chicago) releases the highly anticipated DVD box set, Radical Closure. Curated by Lebanese video artist Akram Zaatari for the 52nd International Short Film Festival Oberhausen (2006), Radical Closure features works produced in response to situations of physical or ideological closure resulting from war and territorial conflicts. The program looks at what is known as the Middle East, and how the moving image has functioned throughout its history, charged with division, political tension, and mobilization.
This 5-DVD box set has an accompanying monograph with curator’s essay, alongside important work by 24 artists including Guy Ben-Ner, Harun Farocki, Mona Hatoum, Walid Raad, and Elia Suleiman.
5 DVDs, multi-region, booklet, $1.100 (educational purchase)
Further information: http://www.vdb.org/radicalclo.html
The “ambulart” visual arts festival tours Mexico, Germany and Ecuador with a selection of short films
/ 06/16/10
From May to September 2010, “ambulart” will be on the road again, presenting German short films in Guadelajara (Mex), Hamburg (D) and Quito (Ecuador). Films to be shown include “Terminal” by Jörg Wagner, “Kokon” by Till Kleinert and “Painting Paradise” by Barbara Hlali.
Conceived as a festival for visual art, “ambulart” was launched in 2004 on the initiative of Latin American and German students at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts (HFBK). The project is designed to promote cultural exchange. Accompanying the festival are exhibitions, film talks and workshops.
Contact: http://www.ambulart.com
Online Preview of German films on the AG Kurzfilm website
/ 06/16/10
Since 9 April 2010 the online version of the annual “German Short Films” catalogue has been available for access on the website of AG Kurzfilm. Starting with catalogue year 2010, an extended image gallery is also included. In addition, the search function now offers new options for sorting and printing search results.
As a supplementary service, AG Kurzfilm and German Films offer German and international industry professionals the opportunity to preview films online. The Online Preview function can be used for 74 films from the current catalogue – many more than in previous years – and for a total of 218 films from the catalogue years 2007 to 2010.
AG Kurzfilm – Bundesverband Deutscher Kurzfilm works closely with German Films to support organizers worldwide, including Goethe Institutes, museums and festivals, as well as short film sales agents and buyers. The short-film catalogue and the password-protected Online Preview option facilitate access to information and hence programming. Online Preview is addressed exclusively to the film industry, particularly to festival organizers, film journalists, cinema operators, TV and rights purchasers, or institutions that want to obtain a quick and uncomplicated overview of current short-film production in Germany.
On the website www.ag-kurzfilm.de industry representatives can apply for temporary free access to the Online Preview.
Global City Beats: User-generated Internet films on the big screen
/ 06/16/10
Frankfurt music producers the Voelker Brothers are bringing a compilation film to the cinema titled “Global City Beats” that consists exclusively of short Internet videos. Production started with a worldwide announcement on Yahoo Movies inviting users to send in video clips reflecting the “youth heartbeat” in the world’s cities. More than 800 participants submitted entries, out of which the 15 best were chosen.
Most of the clips feature sports and leisure-time activities engaged in by young people and of course love stories as well. The films were reworked in High Definition and a soundtrack was added by the production company.
Call for articles for the second issue of “Short Film Studies”
/ 06/16/10
Richard Raskin, publisher of “Short Film Studies”, is calling on film students, lecturers on film and filmmakers to contribute articles to the second issue of the new short-film magazine. The following films will be examined in this issue: “Lightbourne (Alumbramiento)” by Eduardo Chapero-Jackson, “Derailment (Avsporing)” by Unni Straume and “Sunday” by John Lawlor.
Those who wish to participate are asked to send a brief description of their proposed article to Richard Raskin. The deadline for completed articles is 1 November 2010.
Publisher URL: Intellect Books
Editor’s contact address: raskin imv.au.dk
DVD spotting
/ 06/16/10
_Lookout Mountain Studios: Works by Pat O’Neill
American filmmaker Pat O’Neill released through his company Lookout Mountain Studios four DVDs from his early silent films to his latest digital works:
“Starting to go bad” – Three recent digital film works 2009
“Trouble” – Two 35mm works 1996 2008
“Five Films” – Five 16mm films 1970-1976
“Silent Work” – Five films, 16mm and 35mm, 1979-1998
NTSC, Region free, $30 each
URL: http://www.lookoutmountainstudios.com/store.php
_Criterion: Blue-Ray Box Set “By Brakhage vol. 1 & 2”
Volume 1 presents twenty-six works including “Moth Light”, “Cat’s Cradle” and “The Act of Seeing with One’s own Eyes”.
Volume 2 presents fifty-six works from across his career
Plus video encounters with the filmmaker, audio recordings, booklet
3 Blue-Ray discs, NTSC, HD Digital transfers from 16mm, Super 8mm, color, b&w, 1955-2003, 697 minutes, 79.95 $
_Wholpin: Quarterly DVD Magazine No. 11
Including “The Six Dollar Fifty Man” (Mark Albiston), “Bitch Academy” (Alina Rudnitskaya), “Plastic Bag” (Ramin Bahrani), “Can we talk?” (Jim Owen), “Wagah” (Supriyo Sen) …
11 films, 136 minutes, $19.95
_Raum für Projektion: “Under Control”
Animated music videos by students of Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach, curated & produced by Mariola Brillowska
26 films, DVD PAL, 15 €
Reelport presents new viewing options at Berlin and Clermont-Ferrand festivals
/ 03/11/10
At the recent film festivals in Berlin and Clermont-Ferrand, the Reelport submission platform introduced some new ways to enter and upload films and use its Video Library.
Starting in 2010, festivals can integrate a submission module, and if desired also an upload module, directly into their own website. The films uploaded by the filmmakers are forwarded to the Reelport server, encoded uniformly and then transmitted back to the festivals.
Participating festivals use Reelport’s Video Library to view the submitted films, and can also make it available online to buyers and professionals following the festival. An offline version of the Video Library can be installed in a local network as a digital film market for use during the festival.
A demo version of the online Video Library as already deployed by the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen during its preview process can be accessed online with a password, available upon request from Reelport.
UniFrance releases 12th edition of its Short Cuts DVD series
/ 03/11/10
In February 2010, UniFrance released the twelfth Short Cuts DVD featuring nine recent French short films. The following titles are included: “7.57 am-pm”, “Allons-y! Alonzo!”, “En attendant que la pluie cesse”, “L’íˆtrangère”, “Le Petit Dragon”, “Une pute et un poussin”, “Tragédie Grouick”, “L’Aide au retour” and “Sacrifié(s)”.
Short Cuts is a promotion effort launched by UniFrance’s commission on short film. Twice a year a DVD is released in an edition of 800 and distributed to festivals, buyers and vendors. The selection is made out of a pool of new films that have received subtitle funding from UniFrance, by a panel to which representatives of foreign buyers and vendors are appointed.
URL: http://www.unifrance.org/actualites/5487/short-cuts-fevrier-2010
EMAF “Social Arts” tour programme
/ 03/11/10
As in previous years, the European Media Art Festival (Osnabrück) is once again sending a programme of films and videos from the last festival off on tour. The title of this year’s programme is “Social Arts”. It presents a total of seven international works, including award-winners “(The Never Ending) Operetta” by Istvan Kantor (EMAF Award 2009) and the anti-war animation “Painting Paradise” by Barbara Hlali (German Film Critics’ Award for best German experimental film).
Other works in the line-up deal with societal, social and environmental problems. One focus is the situation of the artist in today’s society, for example in “Ivo Burokvic – The Life of the Fake Artist as a Young Man”. The works’ aesthetic and technology range from HD computer animations (“Westcoast”) to dramaturgically perfect dance-and-theatre constructions (“Burlesque” and “Naufrage”) all the way to YouTube video (“Rehab”).
The approximately 80-minute programme comes on DVD or miniDV and can be rented from the festival’s support association, Experimentalfilm Workshop e.V.
The next EMAF Festival takes place from 21 to 25 April under the motto “Mash Up”.
URL: http://www.emaf.de
Discoveries in the vlogosphere – Short film online
/ 03/11/10
_Prizewinners: PLEASE SAY SOMETHING by David OReilly (D 2009)
Synopsis: “A troubled relationship between a Cat and Mouse set in the distant Future”.
SKHIZEIN by Jérémy Clapin (F 2008)
_New on Ubuweb:
“Cinema of Transgression” – Films by Richard Kern, Beth B, Tessa Hughes-Freeland, Kempra Pfahler and others.
Films by Nick Zedd (THE SINEMA OF NICK ZEDD, Part 1 & 2)
_Design + Technology: SURFACE – A FILM FROM UNDERNEATH by Varathit Uthaisri (Thailand/USA 2009)
Synopsis: “SURFACE is an experimental film, exploring the emotional journey from an underground urban perspective” (V. Uthaisri)
_Diary film: A VISIT TO STAN BRAKHAGE by Jonas Mekas (USA 1966/2006)
Synopsis: “In late 1966 I visited Stan Brakhage in Rollinsville, Colorado. This is a portrait of Stan at home, with his family, his animals, and the surroundings, 9000 feet high.”
_Music video: GRINDIN for “Nobody beats the Drum” by Rogier van der Zwaag (NL 2010)
Stop-motion animation with 400 pieces of wood
_Machinima: “Le híˆros díˆdaigneux” by Les Riches Douaniers (F 2009)
_Commercials by Peter Lindbergh and Darius Khondji with Nora Arnezeder for the NEW LOCK handbag collection from Christian Dior (F 2009)
Videobrasil on tour – New festival concept in 2011
/ 03/11/10
In 2009 the Brazilian tour of the Associaí§í£o Cultural Videobrasil’s programme “Cuide de vocíª (Take Care of Yourself)” attracted 60,000 viewers. In 2010 Videobrasil will continue its work along the same lines, but starting in 2011 there are plans to unveil a new version of the international festival. The event will then take up a specific topic as leitmotif and will feature a large-scale international exhibition, commissioned works, and an educational curatorial programme with new publications. Entries will be accepted starting the first half of 2010.
The activities of the Associaí§í£o Cultural Videobrasil are sponsored by SESC Sí£o Paulo (Servício Social Comercio/The Social Service of Commerce).
DVD spotting
/ 03/11/10
_New at INDEX/Sixpackfilms
INDEX 035: “VISIONary – Contemporary Short Documentaries and Experimental Films from Austria”
DVD 1 Short Documentaries: Films by Mette Löcker, Johannes Holzhausen, Maria Arlamovsky, Klub 2
DVD 2 Short Documentaries: Films by Michaela Schwentner, Elke Groen, Angelika Brudniak, Cynthia Madansky, Jan Machacek, Siegfried Fruhauf, Dietmar Offenhuber, Lotte Schreiber, Billy Roisz, Josef Dabernig, Michaela Grill, Dextro, Martin Bruch, Manuel Knapp, Barbara Doser and others
Region 0, PAL, original with English + German subtitles, booklet, €28.80
Further information: http://www.index-dvd.at/de/program/034/index.html
_New at RE:VOIR Video
“Takashi Ito Film Anthology”
DVD 1 (73 min): Spacy / Box / Thunder / Screw / Drill / Ghost / Grim / Photo Diary / Wall / Photo Diary 87 / Devil’s Circuit / The Mummy’s Dream / Venus
DVD 2 (77min.)
December Hide-and-Go-Seek / THE MOON / ZONE / Apparatus M / MONOCHROME HEAD / Dizziness / A Silent Day
Region 0, NTSC, 2 DVD-9, €34
Further information: http://revoirvideo.blogspot.com/2010/02/ito-takashi-film-anthology-dvd-ntsc.html
“Surrealism and Experiment in Belgian Cinema”
Films by Henri Storck and Charles Dekeukeleire and others: SCENES OF OSTEND (1929), FOR YOUR BEAUTIFUL EYES (1929), STORY OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER (1932), PICTURES ON THE SIDELINE (1932), BOXING MATCH (1927), VISIONS OF LOURDES (1932), IMPATIENCE (1928), DETECTIVE STORY (1929), THE PEARL (Henri d’Ursell 1929), FANTOMAS (Ernst Moerman 1937).
Region 0, PAL, 2 DVDs, French with English + Dutch subtitles, €21
Further information: http://revoirvideo.blogspot.com/2009/03/avant-garde-1927-1937.html
Box set DVD & book: LA COQUILLE ET LE CLERGYMAN (The Seashell and the Clergyman), Germaine Dulac after a book by Antonin Artaud (F 1927)
Contents: Original version restored by the Nederlands Filmmuseum in cooperation with Light Cone; silent and three sound versions; report on the restoration of the film; 2 bonus films by Nicolas Droin and Prosper Hillairet; biography/filmography; new edition of the book by Alain and Odette Virmaux (160 pages)
Region 0, French/English, €32.90
Further information: http://revoirvideo.blogspot.com/2009/10/germaine-dulac-la-coquille-et-le.html