
Short Films online Report

Short film specials in times of Corona

updated on 14 July 2020

Festivals have been cancelled or moved to the Internet, film starts have been postponed, and some cinemas are now opening under strict hygiene conditions. Public and also cultural life seemed to stand almost still for a long time. Many initiatives tried to creatively overcome the crisis and also offer short film compilations.

Here we would like to present a small collection of short film offers, which will be continuously updated. We would be happy to take up your suggestions, just send us a short message to Read More


Oberhausen launches Kurzfilmtage Blog

Die Internationalen Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen sind als Festival wie so viele aktuell ebenfalls direkt von einer Absage betroffen. Bereits früh fiel die Entscheidung, das Festival als Online-Edition stattfinden zu lassen. Seit dem 3. April haben die Kurzfilmtage nun einen Blog gestartet, der zeitnah auf die aktuelle Krise reagieren soll. Der Blog soll auch ein Forum sein, in dem viele Leute zu Wort und viele Themen zur Sprache kommen, Beiträge zu ganz unterschiedlichen Themen sollen stattfinden – mal auf Deutsch, mal auf Englisch. Der Blog möchte den Prozess der Krise ebenso sichtbar machen, wie diejenigen, die von ihr betroffen sind. Read More


12 German short films in Palm Springs

The Palm Springs International ShortFest celebrates its 25th anniversary this year – the festival in California has become the most important short film festival in North America. Palm Springs is also an important industry meeting point with its affiliated sections ShortFest Forum and ShortFest Market.

Traditionally Palm Springs is also a good place for German short films – every year a number of German short films are invited to the competitions. Read More