RBB (Berlin Brandenburg Broadcasting ) has been co-producing an annual series of works produced by students at “HFF Potsdam-Babelsberg” (Academy for Film and Television Potsdam-Babelsberg) since 1993, televised in three different slots each year. However, the station’s debut series “Durchbruch” by no means offers a safe harbour for short film, because short-film series such as “Morgen retten wir die Welt” (editor: Michael Klier) or “HFF goes Hollywood” (editor: Rosa von Praunheim) are ultimately aimed at realizing feature films and final-year film-school projects in conjunction with television editors. The short film in and of itself is not the main focus of interest for the editors. RBB doesn’t purchase licences of short films.
Cooky Ziesche
Redaktion Fernsehspiel
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 20
D-14482 Potsdam
Phone: +49(0)331.7 31 30 99
Fax: +49(0)331.7 31 36 28