For years now the Film and Teleclub department at Bayerische Rundfunk (Bavarian Broadcasting)has been successfully dedicating its efforts to promoting the work of new talent, including short film activities. The editorial department delves into short film productions with above-average financial resources. Apart from co-productions, BR also purchases licenses for its short-film nights. In this way some six short feature films, mainly German productions, are co-produced each year for two broadcasts and the same number again are purchased. In keeping with their mission to promote up-and-coming filmmakers, the co-productions focus mostly on film school productions, especially those at the “Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München” (Munich Academy for Television and Film). BR is known for its mainstream-oriented short films such as “Cyber-Heidi 3D” (Ingo Knopf, D 2002), “Wichtig is’ auf’m Platz” (Tilmann Sanden, D 2001) or “Der Templer” (Sebastian and Florian Henckel v. Donnersmarck, D 2002). Daring exception once in a while are also possible. One example of this is “Der Atemkünstler” (D 2000), in which “self-taught” director Marco Kreuzpaintner “regardless of film school” had his say.
Redaktion “Film und Teleclub”
Dr. Claudia Gladziejewski
Rundfunkplatz 1
D-80300 München
Phone: +49 (89) 3806-5243
Fax: +49 (89) 3806-7602