In its service area for short films, UniFrance offers various directories and lists to support the distribution of short films. In addition to festival calendars, there is also a “Catalogue des acheteurs de court-métrage dans le monde”, i.e. a worldwide directory of organizations that purchase short films, which has recently been updated.
A look at it is as interesting as it is sobering. In total, only about 50 organizations are named that regularly buy the rights to short films. They are mostly public broadcasters and private cable TV providers, as well as some VoD platforms. For each organization, there is a short self-description and the contact persons and addresses are given. It is interesting that the rates, i.e. minute prices or flat rates for purchases, are mentioned for many of them. Not surprisingly, most entries are from France (13).
Another directory is for film rentals and distributors. However, the selection seems too eclectic to be really useful.
URL Ankäufer Catalogue des acheteurs